Online Communities

Over the last few years, I have been trying to create terrains of context for better living in the Anthropocene.

What does that mean?

Over the past decade, I've been growing (and pruning) my social media feeds, founding groups on topics I felt weren't being well-enough explored, and/or helping to moderate other groups on topics that are close to my areas of interest (of which there are many). Some of these groups have grown from a dozen members to hundreds if not thousands, with active daily discussions and knowledge-sharing.

I'm fairly confident one or more of these groups might interest you:

  • Climate Change: Adaptation, Mitigation, Resilience - this group is aimed squarely at discussing the complex interactions between human civilization and our planet, and how we might adapt to the ongoing changes while building a sustainable future.
    (Note: I founded this group but over time, many volunteer-moderators have joined and help me manage the group jointly.)

  • Memetics: Hacking Belief Systems - as an active admin on this group, I try to lead conversations on how ideas are born, grow and spread, using a combination of approaches across domains like biology, computation, neuroscience and psychology.
    (Note: I didn't found this group, but was invited to be an admin.)

  • Hyperstition: Living with Future Shock - this group tries to track the ripples of the zeitgeist, from business strategy to technological advances to geopolitical machinations, without condemning or condoning. The Great Acceleration is underway, hop on and hitch a ride.
    (Note: I founded this group and am the sole admin/curator for this feed.)

  • Solarpunk - a young sci-fi genre that is a direct response to our current situation, Solarpunk tries to envision worlds where sustainability, ecology and social justice are embedded in our modes of civilization. Proud to be invited to be an admin of this group.
    (Note: I didn't found this group, and it is actively moderated by a collective of creatives across the world.)

  • kafkapitalizme - I started this group to bear witness to the passing of turn-of-the-millenium capitalism - its excesses, its pathologies and its violence. If you're a leftist in any sense of the word, this group might be a haven for others who see through the misery through the packaging of our present reality, though be forewarned, it might also be a bit depressing.
    (Note: I founded this group and am the sole admin/curator for this feed.)

  • Glyphs & Graphs - perhaps a psychedelic palette cleanser of sorts, G&G is a microblog extension of this website, a veritable cabinet of curiosities with no particular focus. As I like to say, if you're not looking for anything in particular, you've come to the right place.
    (Note: I founded this group and am the sole admin/curator for this feed.)

There are of course other groups I post in from time to time, but these above are I spend a lot of time, love and effort in. I might even work on other avenues for more ideas to enter the noosphere in future... time is the only bottleneck, not a lack of ideas. If the groups above don't quite capture something you're looking for, chat with me and let me know! If nothing else, it will update my radar. And chances are good that I might be able connect you to groups/topics/people that could be relevant, if not mutually beneficial.

A bunch of links on social media, so what?

In an absolute sense, you may be right to think that. But there's always the issue of context, and I think that's what I seek and (hope to) create. Of course the Internet is always full of links, but the contexts in which they are connected adds so much to how useful they can be as well. Each of these groups, I show up in day after day, with great passion and intensity, to curate, moderate and guide discussions always towards a goal of better understanding the complexity we swim in, and possibly hacking it towards better outcomes. Across all groups, you can expect anywhere between 20-50 posts per day reliably, with a high bar for quality/sources.

Additionally, I'll check in from time to time and make extra resources available exclusively for patrons. I can't say in advance what these might look like, but I promise they'll be relevant to the zeitgeist.

Your support means a lot. Seriously. I do what I do out of sheer passion, and have been doing these things for years already... day in and day out. With your support, I can support other creators, invest in books/tools and work with a smile on giving voice to interesting ideas that need more exposure.

Please consider being a patron :)

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